
Are people who wear glasses actually smarter?

Are people who wear glasses actually smarter?

A 2012 study published in Ophthalmology and citing the results of a Gutenberg Health Study found that people who wear glasses are actually more intelligent. Researchers conjecture that eyeglass wearers are less likely to partake in outdoor activities (perhaps for fear of damaging their fragile eyeglasses).

Are glasses or no glasses more attractive?

According to a street survey, women found men wearing glasses to be up to 75\% sexier than those without them. This is a rock solid proof that many women find men with glasses to be hot & irresistible. Go ahead and try on your favourite pair, wearing eyeglasses will only add to your attractiveness quotient.

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Are girls more likely to need glasses?

While the prevalence of vision impairment rises for both genders as they get older, women consistently outnumber men, particularly among the younger age brackets. For example, 38.5\% of women aged 18-24 years wear glasses and/or contact lenses, making them almost 75\% more likely to than their male peers (22.2\%).

Do guys find girl with glasses attractive?

Men often find women wearing glasses sexy and sultry. Time and time again, they have professed their admiration and respect for women who wear glasses. The young and good looking woman who sits behind the library counter exudes an erudite look that is unmistakably serious coupled with sexy.

Do glasses make a woman more attractive?

No. It doesn’t make a girls more attractive. It depends on the woman herself i.e. her physical look.

Who wears glasses More male or female?

Over half of all women and about 42\% of men wear glasses. Similarly, more women than men, 18\% and 14\% respectively, wear contacts. Of those who use both contacts and eyeglasses, 62\% wear contact lenses more often.

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Do glasses make you nerdy?

It’s official. Wearing glasses doesn’t mean you’re a nerd but it could be a sign that you’re more intelligent, new research shows. The research, which is published in the latest issue of the journal Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, did find links between myopia, agreeableness and openness, however.

Why are glasses associated with intelligence?

“Social psychology has consistently demonstrated that when people are shown images of people with glasses, they find them to be more intelligent, hardworking, and successful, but less active, outgoing, or attractive than people with similar characteristics who do not wear glasses.” Since this stereotype is likely “ …