
Are photons dark energy?

Are photons dark energy?

Dark energy may be composed of photons with negative inertial and gravitational mass. Since the photons comprising dark energy would have negative mass, they could not be observed even though they exert a repulsive gravitational force on photons that have positive mass.

Does darkness contain light?

Light exists in many wavelengths we cannot see, but those wavelengths do not constitute ‘darkness’. Something that appears dark in visible light might be giving off light in a wavelength we cannot see. True darkness is the absence of all light, it cannot be transmitted or otherwise moved.

What is darkness in terms of photons?

Physics. In terms of physics, an object is said to be dark when it absorbs photons, causing it to appear dim compared to other objects. An object may appear dark, but it may be bright at a frequency that humans cannot perceive.

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Do photons exist?

They’re real. We can make electrons (and positrons) out of photons in pair production. And you are made out of electrons and other particles that are equally real. Photons exist and best described as packets of energy or particles.

What force holds the universe together?

Inertia is the force that holds the universe together. Literally. Without it, matter would lack the electric forces necessary to form its current arrangement. Inertia is counteracted by the heat and kinetic energy produced by moving particles.

Is darkness a wave or particle?

Strictly speaking, darkness is neither a wave nor a particle, but, rather a “wave-packet”, sometimes called a “wavelet” for short.

Can a photon gain energy?

Single photons, just like classical beams of light, can gain or lose a bit of energy when they scatter off an object. The simplest example of this is in the case of a moving mirror. By conservation of momentum, then, the photon gains a little bit of momentum.

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What happens to darkness when light comes?

Darkness is what you have when there are no/very less photons, and thus you can’t see anything. When you light a lamp, the photons from the lamp bounce all over the room, and hence the darkness “disappears”, so to speak. Absence of light doesn’t exist when there is presence of light.