
Can 6 people sit in a 5 seater car in Canada?

Can 6 people sit in a 5 seater car in Canada?

No exceptions except for school buses. In Canada there should only be as many passengers as seats with seatbelts available in the car. If all 5 seats are filled, an exception might be made for infants securely held in the mother’s arms, but a child’s seat is preferable.

Can you have more people in a car than seat belts?

Seat belts Drivers and passengers must wear an occupant restraint. Seat belts must not be removed from the vehicle or modified. Learner and probationary (GDL) drivers must not have more passengers than there are seat belts.

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When can my child sit in the front seat Ontario?

Children and airbags Research has shown that children under 12 are safest in the back seat of vehicles away from active airbags. If the back seat is unavailable, children can sit in the front seat only if: there is no active airbag for the front seat, or. the front airbag can be switched off.

Can you have more passengers than seat belts in Ontario?

From now on, every person riding in a vehicle in Ontario must be buckled up. The new law, which cameinto effect Friday,closed a loophole that allowed vehicles to contain more passengers than seatbelts, as long as all seatbelts were in use.

Can you fit 4 people in the backseat?

If you have four positions with belts, yes you can have four passengers in the back seat. At least where wearing seat belts is a legal requirement. When I was a kid, seat belts weren’t required in the US. Mom and Dad would put as many kids in the back seat as was possible at times.

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Can my 8 year old sit in the front seat Ontario?

How tall do you have to be to drive?

From a legal standpoint, there are no laws in any state that have laws regarding minimum height for drivers. You DO need to pass all vision, health, and safety requirements, but no government or law enforcement agency in the United States can prohibit your from driving simply based on how tall or short you are.

Can I fit 8 people in a 7 seater car?

You would need to strap things on a roof rack or luggage rack on top of the vehicle or rent a car carrier from them! It would also be illegal to seat 8 people in a 7 passenger vehicle in the USA because of the seat belt laws and infant seat laws! Everyone must be belted in especially the children!