
Can a clarinet play tenor sax music?

Can a clarinet play tenor sax music?

You can play clarinet music on the tenor, and vice versa, but adjust octaves accordingly. The tenor sax also has some things in common with the recorder, if you’ve played that before.

Do clarinets and saxophones have the same fingerings?

Yes and No. The clarinet and saxophone share a similar fingering pattern, they differ in that the saxophone overblows the octave while the clarinet overblows a perfect 12th or an octave plus a 5th. Thus when the saxophone and clarinet plays a D on the forth line of the staff they will both use the same fingering.

Do alto saxophones transpose?

Transposition table. This is when you discover that your saxophone is pitched in a different key. Yes an alto is in Eb and a tenor is in Bb so your Eb on alto sounds the same pitch as C on a piano. This is because they are what is commonly called a “transposing instrument”.

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Can I play saxophone if I know clarinet?

Same thing goes for the clarinet: you can switch between clarinet and any saxophone very effectively if you use proper embouchure, voicing, finger technique, etc. for each instrument. It isn’t a zero-sum game where playing one instrument better makes another one worse.

Are tenor and alto sax notes the same?

The difference between the score and the actual sound Tenor saxophones are tuned to B♭, and alto saxophones are tuned to E♭, but when playing the same note on a score, the fingerings are the same.

Is a clarinet a saxophone?

Saxophones are made of brass, while clarinets are made from grenadilla wood. Both instruments have mouthpieces which are proportional to the instrument’s size. The bigger the instrument, the bigger the mouthpiece. So, saxophone mouthpieces are, in general, bigger than clarinet mouthpieces.

What key is tenor sax in?

Tenor and soprano saxophones are in the key of B♭, just like clarinets. All three of these instruments produce a B♭ when playing a C on the score. That is why in order to produce the same C pitch as keyed instruments or the flute (concert or “written” C), they must actually play a D.

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Why is the saxophone not in concert C?

Saxophones ARE NOT in Concert Pitch Other instruments, mostly because of the size they are made in, are not in the key of C. For saxophones, the tenor sax and soprano sax are in the key of B♭, whereas the alto sax and baritone sax are in the E♭. Concert C on Alto Sax and Bari Sax

How hard is it to transition from saxophone to clarinet?

I learned several instruments in the interim, one of them being clarinet. It was probably the easiest to transition to from saxophone, as the fingering and the embouchure are both pretty similar. The mouthpiece is smaller, and so your embouchure will need to be a bit firmer/tighter than you’re used to.

Is the saxophone a transposing instrument?

The saxophone is a transposing instrument. This means that that notes played on the saxophone will sound different from notes of the same name played on a piano, guitar or any other concert pitched instrument.

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What is the difference between the tenor sax and alto sax?

The tenor saxophone is in the key of Bb. The alto saxophone is in the key of Eb. Let’s first compare those two notes. Eb down to Bb is down a perfect fourth. Eb up to Bb is a perfect fifth. Personally, I can think of the perfect fifth faster than the fourth. Probably because the fifth is often a chord tone.