
Can a current be zero in a circuit?

Can a current be zero in a circuit?

In the context of any two terminals of a circuit: An open circuit implies that the two terminals are points are externally disconnected, which is equivalent to a resistance R=∞ . This means that zero current can flow between the two terminals, regardless of any voltage difference.

Does a resistor have a current?

The current after a resistor is the exact same as it was before the resistor. Even wires have a little bit of resistance. So let’s imagine a circuit – any kind of circuit – and say that it’s current is 1 ampere. If you now add a resistor in series into this circuit – the current of the circuit will be smaller.

Can you have volts without amps?

There can be voltage without a current; for instance if you have a single charge, that charge induces a voltage in space, even if it’s empty. Voltage, in the most physical way, is a scalar field that determines the potential energy per unit charge at every point in space.

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Can a resistor have infinite resistance?

Theoretically infinite resistance is possible but for practically it’s not , because if we assume that we have infinite value of power source which is feeded to the infinite ohms of resistance then it gives the finite value of current which will easy calculated theoretically.

What happens to current when resistance is infinite?

When the resistance is infinite, the current is zero for any finite voltage because dividing a finite number by infinity yields zero.) Thus, in a circuit where the current would have to move through air in order to “complete the circuit,” the circuit is said to contain an open or to be an open circuit.

What circuit trouble does zero ohms indicate?

A circuit with no resistance (0) would indicate a complete circuit, or one that has no short. A circuit with total resistance would indicate a completely open circuit — one through which no current was able to pass.

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Does a resistor reduce amps?

A higher resistance results in a lower amperage. The resistance of a resistor is measured in ohms. A resistor works by “resisting” the flow of current through the circuit. Lower the circuit’s amperage by adding a variable resistance device or increasing the resistance on any you already have in the circuit.