
Can a person become nominee in more than one OPC?

Can a person become nominee in more than one OPC?

Who can be nominee of OPC? NOTE: A person can be member of one OPC only at a time but he can be nominee of other OPC. A person cannot act as member or nominee of more than one OPC at a time.

Who Cannot be a nominee of the one person company?

The sole promoter must obtain the nominees written consent to act as a nominee. In case of death or incapacitation, the nominee would automatically become the sole promoter of the one person company. Hence, the provision for nominee under the Companies Act, 2013 is not based on succession under the personal law.

Who can be a nominee in one person company?

Nominee in a one person company is a person designated by the sole promoter of the company to succeed in his/her place, in the case of death or incapacitation of the sole promoter. Nominee of a one person company must mandatorily be an Indian citizen and Indian resident over the age of 18 years.

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How many nominees are there in OPC?

one nominee
The company shall be having one member and shall appoint one nominee to act as member in case of death or incapacity of the member at the time of conversion into OPC.

Can a minor become a nominee in OPC?

Nominee is a person appointed by the member of the one person company (OPC) who shall, in the event of subscriber’s death or his in capacity to contract becomes member/shareholder of the OPC. To get appointed, he or she must be Indian citizen and resident in India but should not be a minor.

Who is a nominee of a company?

In finance, a nominee refers to a person or company who has been entrusted with the safekeeping of investors’ securities or property; all of your investments are held in its name, while you retain control.

How do you change the nominee for one person?

Documents Required For Change Members Of OPC

  1. Id and address proof of existing Member of the company.
  2. Id and address proof of new Member of the company.
  3. Id and address proof of new Nominee of the company (In case of Nominee change)
  4. Copy of notice of withdrawal of consent by the nominee of OPC (In case of Nominee change)
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