
Can a person with BPD hold down a job?

Can a person with BPD hold down a job?

It is certainly possible to have BPD and success in education and employment. In fact, many maintain strong careers when able to control BPD symptoms. On the other hand, some people with BPD have trouble with their career in which some are unemployed, underemployed or unhappy in their jobs.

Do you have to tell employers about BPD?

It is up to you whether to tell them. There are some jobs where you need to tell your employer. This is because of the regulations which cover these jobs. The Equality Act stops most employers asking questions about your health before offering you a job.

Does BPD affect decision making?

Conclusions: This study indicates that BPD patients are impaired in decision making, which might be related to a dysfunctional use of feedback information. Specifically, BPD patients did not learn to avoid disadvantageous selections, even though they attended to negative consequences.

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How do you deal with a borderline employee?

Establish written long-term and short-term goals. Provide sensitivity training to coworkers and supervisors. Encourage all employees to move non-work related conversations out of work areas. Provide confidential weekly/monthly meetings with the employee to discuss workplace issues and performance.

What kind of jobs are good for people with borderline personality disorder?

Finding the Best Job for You

  • Creativity: Many people with BPD thrive when they have the opportunity to be creative.
  • Schedule: If you think you’ll need to take time off for doctor’s appointments or to see your therapist, part-time work or a job with a flexible schedule may be good options.

How does BPD affect your ability to work?

Symptoms of BPD can also interfere with concentration, which can lead to poor work performance. For example, frequent dissociation can inhibit your ability to finish your tasks in a timely fashion.