
Can fibromyalgia be passed to offspring?

Can fibromyalgia be passed to offspring?

Fibromyalgia isn’t passed directly from parents to children, but the disorder does appear to cluster within families. The odds of developing fibromyalgia are several times higher in the immediate families of people with fibromyalgia than in families in which no one has fibromyalgia.

What gender does fibromyalgia affect?

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), characterized by widespread pain and tenderness on palpation (tender points), is much more common in women than in men in a proportion of 9:1. Two recent studies have shown important gender differences in various clinical characteristics of FMS.

Can you live a long life with fibromyalgia?

These symptoms have varying course of severity and come and go over time. There are periods of flare-ups followed by periods where symptoms are minimal. However, it is unlikely that they will ever permanently disappear altogether. However, fibromyalgia is not life-threatening and does not reduce life expectancy.

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What age group usually gets fibromyalgia?

Who gets fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia affects as many as 4 million Americans 18 and older. The average age range at which fibromyalgia is diagnosed is 35 to 45 years old, but most people have had symptoms, including chronic pain, that started much earlier in life.

Why is fibromyalgia more common in females?

Women are reported to be twice as likely to suffer from fibromyalgia as men. One of the reasons women may be at greater risk is because of factors such as hormonal changes and the potential for higher stress due to menstruation, menopause, or pregnancy.

Why do females get fibromyalgia?

Women often report higher pain intensity than men. The reasons behind this may be related to hormones, immune system differences, or genes. Still, researchers aren’t sure why women have a higher risk for developing fibromyalgia than men. The only way to test for it is to rule out other possible conditions.

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Can fibromyalgia be cured?

Treatment for fibromyalgia tries to ease some of your symptoms and improve quality of life, but there’s currently no cure. Your GP will play an important role in your treatment and care. They can help you decide what’s best for you, depending on what you prefer and the available treatments.