
Can homeopathy remove warts?

Can homeopathy remove warts?

In the study undertaken during 1986-88 it was revealed that some of the homoeopathic medicines were found effective 75-90\% in the treatment of different types of warts.

Can homeopathy cure warts permanently?

So just remove the existing warts will not complete the cure. Homeopathic treatment definitely has a cure for warts. Although, warts in bunch can be cured easily, solitary warts are slightly stubborn but can be cured after a prolonged treatment.

How long does Thuja take to remove warts?

After the first week of use I started to notice that the warts were starting to look smaller. After two weeks there was a noticeable difference and after using this product for 4 weeks, almost all of the warts on my hands are gone.

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Can Thuja cure warts?

An extract from Thuja occidentalis (White cedar tree) cured the resistant warts on the other fingers, leaving only superficial scars and without affecting allograft function.

How do you use Thuja liquid on a wart?

Directions: Apply 3 times daily to affected area. Warts will dry and flake away over a 3-6 week period. Some individuals may be sensitive to essential oils. Skin test for tolerability.

How do you use Thuja oil for warts?

To maximize benefit, place 2 to 4 drops of tincture of thuja or tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) on the wart before covering with peel or garlic. DO NOT use tea tree oil internally. This application may need to be repeated nightly for up to 3 weeks. The wart will turn black as it begins to die.

How do you use Thuja for warts?

Is homeopathic Thuja safe?

When taken by mouth: Thuja is LIKELY SAFE when products that are thujone-free are taken in food amounts. But it is POSSIBLY UNSAFE to take thuja in the larger amounts found in medicine. Large doses of thuja can cause queasiness, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and death.

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How long does homeopathy take to cure warts?

In most cases, common warts appear on the fingers, near the fingernails, or on the hands. We have seen in a recent study that 18 to 19 people who were suffering from warts were cured within 2.2 months by homeopathic treatment.