
Can I convert OpenOffice file to Microsoft Word?

Can I convert OpenOffice file to Microsoft Word?

Additional features of the suite include compatibility with other file formats, ensuring that work done in OpenOffice can be opened and edited in other programs. For instance, files created as OpenOffice documents can be saved in Microsoft Word’s DOC format.

How do I open an ODT file in Word Online?

Use Word to open or save a document in the OpenDocument Text (. odt) format

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Open.
  3. Click Browse,
  4. To see only the files saved in the OpenDocument format, click the list of file types next to the File name box, and then click OpenDocument Text.
  5. Click the file you want to open, and then click Open.

How do I open an odt file in Google Docs?

Please try these steps:

  1. Upload the file to Google Drive (
  2. Right-click on the . odt file and select “Open with Google Docs.”
  3. Go to File > Save as Google Docs in the open document to convert the file to Docs format. (A new document in a new tab should open in Docs format.
  4. Make your edits in Docs.
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How do I open an odt file in Word?

How to Open an ODT File in MS Word

  1. Click Word’s “File” menu, and then click “Open.”
  2. Click “OpenDocument Text” from the “File of type” list to only display files in the ODT format.
  3. Locate the ODT file on your hard drive, click it, and then click “Open” to open it in Word. Alternatively, double-click the file to open it.

How do I open ODT files in Microsoft Word?

How do I change ODT to DOC in LibreOffice?

Open the . odt document with your word processor (for instance Open Office software like LibreOffice, or simply with Microsoft Word)….Convert to Word

  1. Save the LaTeX file as a pdf file.
  2. Open the pdf file with Microsoft Word. (Word automatically converts the pdf to a Word document.)
  3. Save the Microsoft Word file.

Can Microsoft Office Word open ODT?

While Microsoft Word uses the DOC and DOCX formats for document files, its competitor, Apache’s OpenOffice Writer, uses the ODT format. However, Microsoft Word 2010 and 2013 offer native support for the ODT format, so you can open the file in a similar to any other Word file.