
Can I replace a diode with any diode?

Can I replace a diode with any diode?

Yes, higher voltage rating is fine. It just means more safety margin against mains transients (which is good). The only difference between the -4 and the -6 is the voltage rating (see datasheet).

What happens when too much current flows through a diode?

Along with its PIV and forward voltage drop rating, a diode also receives a maximum current rating. As this rating suggests, it is the peak operating current for the diode, and exceeding it will result in irreparable damage to the diode and possibly the circuit as a whole.

How do I know what diode to use?

The reason for selecting a diode with certain parameters is as follows: Reverse Voltage: Select to be above the highest possible reverse voltage that might be seen across the device. (When the diode is off.) Forward Current: Select to be above the highest possible current that might be seen flowing through device.

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How many amps can a diode handle?

The maximum that the diode can conduct at once is 30 amperes.

Can I use a higher rated diode?

Higher current rating is also always okay. Larger diodes with generally have larger current capacities than smaller ones with the same voltage rating. With bipolar junction transistors (BJT’s), you can often substitute one for another as long as they are the same type (NPN or PNP).

Can large currents damage diodes?

Usually excessive current will overheat the diode junction and cause device failure as it burns up from excessive heat. From this there tend to be two main failure modes – ither the diode opens (most likely) or sometimes they go dead short (less likely).

What happens if the PIV rating of a diode is exceeded?

It is the peak inverse voltage rating (PIV) of a diode. When the voltage applied to a diode is more than PIV, it is likely to result in breakdown at the junction and the diode gets destroyed.

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Which diode is best?

Best Sellers in Diodes

  1. #1. BOJACK 14 Value 240 pcs Diode Assortment Kit Contain Rectifier/Fast Recovery/Schottky…
  2. #2. Cafurty 1N4007 DO-41 Axial Silastic Guard Junction Standard Rectifier Diode (Pack of 20)
  3. #3. (100 Pcs) MCIGICM 1N4001 Rectifier Diode, 50V 1A DO-41 Electronic Silicon Doorbell…
  4. #4.
  5. #5.
  6. #6.
  7. #7.
  8. #8.