
Can I use bottled spring water in my neti pot?

Can I use bottled spring water in my neti pot?

Use distilled, filtered, bottled or boiled water at room temperature — never tap water. Tap water may not have been filtered or treated like distilled or bottled has and may cause infections.

Can I use bottled water in my NeilMed sinus rinse?

What type of water should i use for my Neti Pot? Always rinse your nasal passages with NeilMed® SINUS RINSE™ packets only. Other choices are distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), commercially bottled or, as mentioned earlier, previously boiled water at lukewarm or body temperature.

Is spring water as good as distilled water?

If you are looking for the best source of water to keep your family hydrated, spring water is the best choice for you. But, if you need water that is mineral-free for appliances or sensitive equipment, distilled water is the way to go.

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Can you use bottled water instead of distilled water?

Distilled water goes through distillation, while purified water is processed by other means (reverse osmosis, sand filtration, ion exchange, etc.). Since both purified and distilled water have a PPM no higher than 2, this makes both types of water equally great for your body!

Is bottled water sterile?

Bacteria are found in most bottled waters sold for drinking purposes. Bottled water is usually disinfected to remove harmful microorganisms but this treatment is not intended to sterilize the water. Sterile water is normally reserved for pharmaceutical purposes, such as in contact lense solutions.

Is bottled spring water filtered?

Spring water is a popular form of bottled water. This water is generally considered pre-purified, as it has traveled through natural filters like limestone, sandstone, and clay (3, 4).

What is the difference between bottled spring water and distilled water?

Spring water typically undergoes some processing and filtering to remove debris and kill bacteria and other microbes, but most of the mineral content — such as calcium and magnesium — is left in the water. Consequently, spring water tastes “fresher” or “crisper” than distilled water to most people.

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Is spring water from store safe to drink?

The bottom line is that both purified water and spring water are considered safe to drink (and in-fact, well within the confines of “safe” drinking water) according to the EPA. Depending on the quality of your local tap water, both spring and purified waters are likely purer than water from the faucet.