
Can oscillations can occur without force?

Can oscillations can occur without force?

Without force, the object would move in a straight line at a constant speed rather than oscillate. The simplest oscillations occur when the restoring force is directly proportional to displacement. Recall that Hooke’s law describes this situation with the equation F = −kx.

What kind of force is necessary for a simple harmonic motion?

Simple harmonic motion is governed by a restorative force. For a spring-mass system, such as a block attached to a spring, the spring force is responsible for the oscillation (see Figure 1).

Is simple harmonic motion possible?

Simple harmonic motion can be considered the one-dimensional projection of uniform circular motion. If an object moves with angular speed ω around a circle of radius r centered at the origin of the xy-plane, then its motion along each coordinate is simple harmonic motion with amplitude r and angular frequency ω.

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What are forced oscillations?

Forced oscillations occur when an oscillating system is driven by a periodic force that is external to the oscillating system. In such a case, the oscillator is compelled to move at the frequency νD = ωD/2π of the driving force.

Which of the following is not essential for simple harmonic motion?

So, gravity is not essential for the simple harmonic motion.

What is forced harmonic oscillation?

A forced harmonic oscillator refers to a damped oscillator being subjected to an external force. When an external force is applied to an oscillator, it will undergo a transient state where the oscillator will shift from its natural frequency to the applied force’s frequency.

What is the restoring force of a simple harmonic oscillator?

A simple harmonic oscillator of a system with an oscillatory motion has a restoring force (F) acting opposite to the displacement (x) to bring the system back to the equilibrium point (x=0). The magnitude of the force constant, or spring constant (k) depends on the displacement,…

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What are the characteristics of free oscillation?

The free oscillation possesses constant amplitude and period without any external force to set the oscillation. Ideally, free oscillation does not undergo damping. But in all-natural systems damping is observed unless and until any constant external force is supplied to overcome damping.

What are free free forced and damped oscillations?

Free Forced And Damped Oscillations. In Physics, oscillation is a repetitive variation, typically in time. It is measured between two or more different states or about equilibrium or about a central value. Some familiar examples of oscillations include alternating current and simple pendulum. Some parameters governing oscillation are:

What is simple pendulum in simple harmonic motion?

A pendulum in simple harmonic motion is called a simple pendulum. A pendulum has an object with a small mass, also known as the pendulum bob, which hangs from a light wire or string. The equilibrium position for a pendulum is where the angle θ is zero (that is, when the pendulum is hanging straight down).