
Can PowerPoint files contain viruses?

Can PowerPoint files contain viruses?

But genuine PowerPoint files are PPTX, not PPSX, as the malicious malware virus emails use. When clicked on, the file opens to a blank page with the words “Loading Please Wait.” Reports said this is the malicious link that includes malware virus.

Can you get a virus from a word doc?

Use caution when downloading documents and templates attached to emails. They might contain macros-related viruses, which are designed to infect files like Microsoft Word documents. Once you download and open the attachment, the infection will spread, embedding itself in other documents on your computer.

Are .pptx files safe?

pptx is one of many ransomware-type viruses that is designed to infect computers and lock/encrypt stored files. The virus belongs to the GlobeImposter ransomware family and changes the extension of all encrypted files by adding “.

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Will opening an email cause a virus?

Most viruses, Trojan horses, and worms are activated when you open an attachment or click a link contained in an email message. If your email client allows scripting, then it is possible to get a virus by simply opening a message.

Should be avoided when presenting using PowerPoint?

7 PowerPoint Mistakes You Should Avoid

  • Too Much Text. Putting too much text on a single slide is a cardinal sin when it comes to PowerPoint.
  • Too Much Clutter.
  • Bad Contrast.
  • Reading Out Slides Verbatim.
  • Talking to the Screen.
  • Adding Extreme Transitions & Animations—Just Because.
  • Failing to Practice.

What is the difference between PPT and documentation?

In many cases, PDF files are created from existing documents instead of from scratch. A PPT file is an editable slide show created by Microsoft PowerPoint or another presentation program, such as OpenOffice Impress or Apple Keynote. It may include formatted text, bullet points, images, movies, sound effects, and music.