
Can PPI help low stomach acid?

Can PPI help low stomach acid?

PPIs help to decrease stomach acid over a four to 12-week period. This amount of time allows for proper healing of the esophageal tissue. It may take longer for a PPI to ease your symptoms than an H2 receptor blocker, which usually starts reducing stomach acid within one hour.

Can PPI cause low stomach acid?

Medications. Taking antacids or medications prescribed to treat ulcers and acid reflux, such as PPIs, for a long period of time may also lead to hypochlorhydria. If you take these medications and are concerned that you have symptoms of low stomach acid, speak with your doctor before making changes to your medications.

How do you fix low stomach acid?

5 ways to improve stomach acid

  1. Limit processed foods. A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can also increase your stomach acid levels.
  2. Eat fermented vegetables. Fermented vegetables — such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles — can naturally improve your stomach acid levels.
  3. Drink apple cider vinegar.
  4. Eat ginger.
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Why is my stomach acid low?

Lack of vitamins. Nutrients such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins are essential for maintaining stomach acid levels. A poor diet can result in low stomach acid, as can a loss of nutrients due to health problems, stress, smoking, or alcohol.

Can Stomach problems cause breathlessness?

Any condition that leads to the buildup of air or foodstuffs could cause both bloating and shortness of breath. Also, stool inside the intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, constipation, ileus, bowel obstruction, and gastroparesis could cause bloating and shortness of breath.

What can you take for low stomach acid?

Treatment of Hypochlorhydria

  • Hydrochloric acid supplements and enzymes. Your doctor may prescribe supplements such as betaine hydrochloride to restore the pH of your stomach.
  • Changes in diet. Your doctor may recommend that you eat easy-to-digest food that is rich in fiber and nutrients.
  • Changes in medication.