
Can professors delete reviews on Rate My professor?

Can professors delete reviews on Rate My professor?

This is an open site where users can voice their opinions and experiences. Please note that only comments that violate our guidelines are removed. Unfortunately we do not remove ratings just because someone may disagree with it.

Can professors remove ratings?

All comments submitted are reviewed by our online moderation team. If they find that the content violates our site guidelines, they will remove the comment.

Do universities care about Rate My professor?

True, colleges will almost certainly ignore when making promotion decisions, . But many college promotion committees do take into account how many students a professor attracts to his classes.

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Can professors remove themselves from RateMyProfessor?

Don’t be fooled by rumors of easy escape routes, instructors. You can’t get out of Rate My Professors, at least not easily. It once allowed users to rate the “hotness” of their instructors, but that controversial feature was removed last year.

How accurate is Rate My Professors?

Most students say that they only trust the opinions on RateMyProfessor that are consistent. Stewart said that a professor with more reviews, that seem consistent, are usually more reliable than a professor with only a few reviews. Dr.

Can you sue rate my professor?

To date, no one has followed through with a lawsuit against us for our reviews. The law protects Rate My Professors from legal responsibility for the content submitted by our users, like the reviews that appear on our site. For example, the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. Sec.

Can I remove my name from Rate My professor?

How useful is Rate My Professor? is a useful tool for both students and faculty alike, allowing students to provide indirect feedback to their professors, giving future students insight into what their future classes may look like, as well as a tool for professors to receive informal feedback regarding their strengths and …

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Should I answer rate my professor?

Instructors have little to lose by responding to student criticism on, a new study suggests, and what they say could actually end up having a positive impact on student performance.