
Can professors remove reviews on RateMyProfessor?

Can professors remove reviews on RateMyProfessor?

If you were logged in to your account when you posted a review, you have the ability to edit your reviews. However, you are unable to delete reviews. To manage your reviews, please log into your account and select “My Account” on the top right corner of the screen.

How trustworthy is RateMyProfessor?

Most students say that they only trust the opinions on RateMyProfessor that are consistent. Stewart said that a professor with more reviews, that seem consistent, are usually more reliable than a professor with only a few reviews.

Why was my rate my professor review removed?

If your comment was deleted, it likely violated one or more of our site guidelines. All comments submitted are reviewed by our online moderation team. If they find that the content violates our site guidelines, they will remove the comment.

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Are RateMyProfessor reviews Anonymous?

Nope! We don’t display any of your personal information anywhere on the site. Though you have the option of creating an account, an account is not required to post a rating and comment. Whether you choose to create a registered account or not, all ratings submitted will remain anonymous.

How do you fight a bad teacher evaluation?

What To Do In The Short Term

  1. Stay Calm and Don’t React Right Away.
  2. “You might want to vent to a colleague about the situation, especially if you feel you had an unfair evaluation.
  3. Take Notes During the Observation Review.
  4. Be Kind to Yourself.
  5. Review the Observation and Comments.
  6. Learn More About the Evaluator.

How do teachers handle negative feedback?

But to be able to properly handle negative feedback and become a better student, you need to understand a few things.

  1. Understand it’s not personal.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Analyze the feedback.
  4. Seek out others for help (especially peers)