
Can school counselors diagnose?

Can school counselors diagnose?

While school counselors may suspect the presence of learning difficulties or other conditions such as ADHD, they are not licensed to diagnose or prescribe medication.

Are school counselors confidential?

A student’s right to privacy and confidentiality is the basis for an effective counseling relationship. Confidentiality ensures that school counselors won’t share students’ disclosures with others except when the student authorizes it or when there is a clear and present danger to the student and/or to other persons.

What happens to your relationship with your parents after an affair?

If they have been a kind, caring parent, remember that, as this defines your relationship with your parent, not the affair. Begin your new relationship with each parent separately. In many cases, an affair spells the end of the cohesive family unit, and you will now have parents that live separately.

How do you deal with an unfaithful mother and father?

Ask both parents for advice and guidance, which will help continue repairing your relationship with both parents. Tell your parents you don’t want to be in the middle. In an unfaithful marriage, unfortunately, some parents may try to turn a child against the other parent.

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Does my father’s infidelity define my parents’ marriage?

It isn’t fair, I know. But, unfortunately, life isn’t fair, and these things do happen. The good news is that your father’s indiscretion does not have to define your parents’ marriage and it certainly does not have to define you, your family, or your dad.

What should I do if my parents are in a relationship?

Your parents have to communicate and decide on how they want to take this relationship forward. It is an emotionally difficult situation for you, therefore I would suggest a few tips that can help you cope better: first, speak to a friend or a sibling about the situation, you can also meet a counsellor.