
Can Sway be saved as a PDF?

Can Sway be saved as a PDF?

Export a Sway to Word or PDF To export your Sway, go to the … menu in the top right and select Export. Sway gives you the option to export to a Word document or a PDF. You can open your document in Word or a PDF editor and modify or reformat the text and media.

How do I Sway a PDF?

Create a new Sway from a document or file

  1. If necessary, sign in to Sway.
  2. On the My Sways screen, click Import.
  3. In the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to the document or file you want to import, select it, and then click Open.

Is Sway printable?

Can I print a Sway? Yes, you can print your Sway content.

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Is Microsoft Sway dead?

Sway is absolutely alive and we definitely take these issues seriously.

Does Sway save automatically?

Sways save automatically (assuming you have an internet connection). If you refresh the page, you’re changes will remain.

Can Sway be shared externally?

By disabling or enabling external sharing, you can control whether people in your organization can share the Sways they create with people outside of your organization. External sharing is enabled by default. On the Services page, click Sway.

Can you add a document to Sway?

You can insert Office documents stored on OneDrive, OneDrive for work or school, or SharePoint in a Sway by pasting the embed code for that document into your Sway. Sway currently supports the embedding of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents including individual charts/tables from Excel.

Can you record your voice on Sway?

When support is available, Sway provides you with a recorder to make your audio recording. Note: If you get a message that recording is not supported in your browser, you can still open Sway on a different device or browser to create a recording.

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Is Sway still supported?

Microsoft is retiring the Sway for iOS app December 17, 2018. We’re advising all our valued iOS users to use Sway online at With this change, we’re consolidating our Sway experience. Sway online provides the same, most up-to-date feature set across platforms and devices.

Does Sway have an app?

Sway is a new app from Microsoft Office that makes it easy to create and share interactive reports, personal stories, presentations, and more. Start by adding your own text and pictures, search for and import relevant content from other sources, and then watch Sway do the rest.

Is sway safe?

Instead of sending potential victims to a compromised website that might be blocked by browsers and Block Lists, the URL in this attack goes to Because the phishing page is hosted on Microsoft, it will always be considered 100\% safe.

Is Microsoft sway any good?

Sway is a simple tool that can produce some great results. It’s jam-packed with features to help you with the difficult design bits so you can focus on the content and best of all it’s free. Microsoft doesn’t always get things right, but with Sway, they’ve created something handy, at the best possible price.