
Can we use SNS in India?

Can we use SNS in India?

Amazon SNS now supports setting attributes required for India DLT requirements when sending SMS using local routes in India. Now, when using Amazon SNS to send SMS to your customers, you can set a principal entity ID and a message template ID, as Amazon SNS message attributes.

Can AWS SNS send SMS?

With Amazon SNS, you can send SMS (text) messages to 200+ countries and for an expanded set of use-cases such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and One Time Passwords (OTP)….Get Started with AWS for Free.

Network Inbound SMS
All Networks $0.0075

How do I send a SNS message?

Sign in to the Amazon SNS console . In the left navigation pane, choose Topics. On the Topics page, select a topic, and then choose Publish message. The console opens the Publish message to topic page.

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Is SNS Regional?

Amazon SNS supports cross-region deliveries, both for Regions that are enabled by default and for opt-in Regions. For the current list of AWS Regions that Amazon SNS supports, including opt-in Regions, see Amazon Simple Notification Service endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

How can I SMS to India?

Enter the phone number in India you wish to send the SMS to, in the phone number field. Type “+91” followed by the Indian mobile number, excluding the “0” from the start of the Indian phone number.

Can SNS receive text messages?

You can use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to send and receive Short Message Service (SMS) notifications to SMS-enabled mobile phones and smart phones. SMS notifications are currently supported for phone numbers in the United States.

How do I publish a message to SNS topic from Lambda?

Create Topic in SNS

  1. Login to AWS Console and go to SNS service in Amazon as shown below −
  2. Click Simple Notification Service and Create topic in it.
  3. Then, you have to click Create new topic button as shown −
  4. Enter the Topic name and Display name and click on Create topic.
  5. Add SNS Trigger.
  6. Publish to Topic.
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Is AWS SNS a global service?

Additionally, Amazon Web Service (AWS) has a global network of data centers that allows publishers to send messages at any time. Amazon SNS also supports messaging on all AWS endpoints including Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda.

How to send SMS from AWS to India Mobile numbers?

0 You can send SMS to India mobile numbers. Simply add the number as 91xxxxxxxxxx and after couple of seconds start sending messages using the ‘Publish to topic’ from AWS console or via the API. There is no confirmation process involved in this

How do I send SMS messages through Amazon SNS?

Complete the following steps if you don’t already have a topic to which you want to send SMS messages. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console . In the console menu, choose an AWS Region that supports SMS messaging . In the navigation pane, choose Topics . On the Topics page, choose Create topic .

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How do I send an SMS message using the AWS SDKs?

Choose Send text message . To send an SMS message using one of the AWS SDKs, use the action in that SDK that corresponds to the Publish request in the Amazon SNS API. With this request, you can send an SMS message directly to a phone number.

How to enable SMS notification in AWS SNS?

The SMS Notification option with SNS works worldwide, including India. Go to SNS Service on AWS Service dashboard, you get the following options on left hand side. SNS dashboard Topics Applications Subscriptions Text messaging (SMS) Click Text Messaging (SMS), and you will get the following options: