
Can you copy and paste text in InDesign?

Can you copy and paste text in InDesign?

Paste text from another application Cut or copy text in another application or in an InDesign document. If you like, select text or click in a text frame. (Paste Without Formatting is dimmed if you paste text from another application when Text Only is selected in Clipboard Handling Preferences.)

How do I import text into InDesign?

Import Text into an InDesign CS5 Publication

  1. Choose File→Place. The Place dialog box opens.
  2. Select a document to import and click the Open button. The Place Text icon, the cursor arrow, and a thumbnail image of the text appear.
  3. Click to place th e imported text. This step creates a text frame and imports the text.
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How do I copy and paste with formatting?

To copy formatting:

  1. Copy text by selecting the Edit>Copy command or the by using the keyboard shortcut Cmd-C.
  2. Select text that you would like to paste the formatting onto.
  3. Go to the Edit Menu and Select “Edit Special>Paste Style”.

How do I add text to a frame in InDesign?

Select the Type tool in the toolbox. With the Type tool selected, drag in the Document window to add a text frame to the document, or click in an existing text frame to add text. Choose Type > Fill With Placeholder Text to fill the frame with placeholder text. With the text cursor in the text frame, type your text.

How do I paste text into formatting in InDesign?

Paste text

  1. To preserve formatting and information such as styles and index markers, open the Clipboard Handling section of the Preferences dialog box, and select All Information under Paste.
  2. Cut or copy text in another application or in an InDesign document.
  3. If you like, select text or click in a text frame.
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How do you copy a text box in InDesign?

Duplicate an object using the Duplicate command Use the Duplicate command to replicate a selected object instantly. The new copy appears on the layout slightly offset down and to the right from the original. Select an object or objects, and choose Edit > Duplicate.

How do you paste text formatting in InDesign?

How do I import text into InDesign without formatting?

Preserving Formatting Instead of copy and paste, InDesign provides some options for retaining the formatting of text when you choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, select the Word document that you want to place, then enable the Show Import Options checkbox and click Open.