
Can you get your job back at Walmart if you quit?

Can you get your job back at Walmart if you quit?

You have to wait 6 months before you can apply again. Or talk to your store manager they might pull some strings for you. You would have to wait a year to be eligible for rehire. I got rehired a month after quitting.

What happens after you quit Walmart?

Generally within 30 days of your termination of employment, Walmart will notify WageWorks, the Plan’s COBRA administrator, of your right to elect COBRA continuation coverage. WageWorks will mail you a COBRA notice and election form within 14 days after they receive notification of your termination.

Can you reapply at a job you quit?

If you left the company on good terms with your supervisor, give her a call to let her know you’re interested in coming back. If your supervisor is in another department or no longer with the company, contact a former colleague who might be able to provide insider information about the job.

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How long do Walmart benefits last after quitting?

18 months
See the policies on the WIRE for more information. Resources for Living Your Resources for Living benefit (and your family’s benefit) remains available for 18 months after your last day with Walmart at no cost to you. However, if you enroll for COBRA coverage the benefit will be available throughout the COBRA period.

What is Walmart’s rehire policy?

If you ended your employment with Walmart on positive terms, due to reasons such as needing time off due to sickness, family issues, or issues unrelated to your work ethic, you will likely be rehired by Walmart. However, you will need to wait 90 days to re-apply, either to your previous Walmart store or a new one.

How many points do you get for calling out at Walmart?

A no-call/no-show is 4 points so according to policy, you would be fired if you have 1 of those even if you don’t have anything else. If you’ve been with company for more than 6 months, you can get 8.5 points over a 6 month period and still keep your job.