
Can you have a natural delivery after myomectomy?

Can you have a natural delivery after myomectomy?

Seventy-three (66.4\%) women had trial of labor after myomectomy (TOLAM), while 24 (21.8\%) had a planned cesarean delivery (CD). Sixty-six (90.4\%) of the TOLAM cases successfully accomplished vaginal delivery. No cases of uterine rupture (UR) were reported, and all deliveries ended in live births.

Is it risky to give birth after myomectomy?

The risk of uterine rupture after myomectomy is low (0.75 \%). The available evidence in the literature does no allow discouraging attempts for childbirth per viam naturalem after previous myomectomy, regardless of the technique used.

What happens if you get pregnant 2 months after myomectomy?

Pregnancy after myomectomy may increase the risk of intrauterine adhesions, miscarriage, preterm birth, abnormal placentation, cesarean section, and uterine rupture [5,6].

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Can you have a natural birth after fibroid removal?

During the removal procedure, the surgeon may have had to cut deep into the uterine wall. If that’s the case, a vaginal birth could lead to serious complications such as uterine rupture. For this reason, it’s often recommended to have a c-section to prevent any sort of health issue.

When can you get pregnant after a myomectomy?

Highlights. There is no proof of an ideal time interval after myomectomy to avoid uterine rupture. Mean time from myomectomy to pregnancy is about 18 months. Risk of uterine rupture is minimal after myomectomy.

Is myomectomy same as C section?

Myomectomy is the most common surgical operation performed during cesarean section and in a study that has reviewed 10 years of experience, it was about 0.89\% of all cesarean sections (1). But most obstetricians are trained to avoid removal of large myomas during cesarean section before last decade.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after a myomectomy?

After uterine myomectomy, 14(35\%) women conceived, common time interval between myomectomy and conception was 1-2 years (42.9\%), conception was spontaneous in 71.4\%. Out of 14 who conceived after myomectomy 12(85.7\%) delivered live babies by LUCS, and most of the babies weighed >3kg (58.3\%).

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When can I get pregnant after myomectomy?

How can I prevent fibroids from growing back after myomectomy?

Try these tips:

  1. Avoid added salt.
  2. Limit high-sodium processed and packaged foods.
  3. Check your blood pressure daily with a home monitor.
  4. Exercise regularly.
  5. Lose weight, especially around the waist.
  6. Avoid or limit alcohol.
  7. Increase potassium by eating a majority of plants at each meal.

Can I get pregnant 4 months after myomectomy?

A: You’ll need to wait three to six months after your myomectomy to start trying to get pregnant to give your uterus time to heal.

How quickly do fibroids grow back after myomectomy?

Research shows that about 90 out of 100 women who have this procedure are still satisfied with the results one to two years afterwards. In up to 20 out of 100 women, fibroids grow again within the first few years after the procedure.

How soon can you get pregnant after abdominal myomectomy?

Women who undergo laparoscopic myomectomy, with or without robotic assistance, have good pregnancy outcomes within about a year of surgery. After a myomectomy, suggested waiting time is three to six months before attempting conception to allow your uterus time to heal.