
Can you have negative acceleration and positive speed?

Can you have negative acceleration and positive speed?

an object can be slowing down in one direction but still have a positive acceleration (occurs when a and v are in opposite directions. an object can be speeding up with a negative acceleration if a and v are both in the direction considered negative (depends on sign convention used)

Can an object have a negative speed explain?

An object cannot have negative speed, but it can have negative velocity. The negative sign indicates direction. An object can accelerate if its direction changes. Even though an object traveling in a circle may be going a constant speed, it is accelerating because its direction is changing.

Can an object have a negative acceleration and be speeding up chegg?

Simply, if the acceleration has a negative sign then the object has negative acceleration or is decelerating. However, if the velocity is in the negative direction, then negative acceleration indicates that the object is speeding up.

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How can an object have negative acceleration and be speeding up?

According to our principle, when an object is slowing down, the acceleration is in the opposite direction as the velocity. Thus, this object has a negative acceleration. In Example D, the object is moving in the negative direction (i.e., has a negative velocity) and is speeding up.

Is positive acceleration always speeding up is negative acceleration always slowing down?

If acceleration has the same sign as the change in velocity, the object is speeding up. If acceleration has the opposite sign of the change in velocity, the object is slowing down.

Can you have a negative acceleration?

According to our principle, when an object is slowing down, the acceleration is in the opposite direction as the velocity. Thus, this object has a negative acceleration.

Can you have a negative speed?

No, speed cannot be negative. Since speed is a scalar quantity and doesn’t have a direction. Velocity on the other hand, can be negative.

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Can a ball with zero acceleration speed up?

A particle cannot speed up at zero acceleration because acceleration is equal to change in velocity per unit time. So without changing the velocity, the particle cannot gain the speed.

Can an object be slowing down and have positive acceleration?

If an object is slowing down, then its acceleration is in the opposite direction of its motion. Thus, this object has a positive acceleration. In Example B, the object is moving in the negative direction (i.e., has a negative velocity) and is slowing down.