
Can you have tinnitus in the military?

Can you have tinnitus in the military?

Due to the loud noises that accompany a career in the military, our veterans are at a higher risk for developing tinnitus due to excessive noise exposure. According to the U.S. Departments of Veteran Affairs tinnitus is the most common disability among service men/women. Tinnitus is the hidden enemy of the military.

Can you be discharged from the military for tinnitus?

However, to receive veterans (VA) disability for tinnitus, you must establish a nexus between your condition and an injury, illness, or event that occurred during your military service.

How hard is it to get disability for tinnitus?

Conclusion. Tinnitus can be a difficult condition to get approved for on a long term disability insurance claim. Unlike some other conditions, there is often less objective evidence to support your diagnosis.

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How do I prove I have tinnitus?

Tests include:

  1. Hearing (audiological) exam. As part of the test, you’ll sit in a soundproof room wearing earphones through which will be played specific sounds into one ear at a time.
  2. Movement. Your doctor may ask you to move your eyes, clench your jaw, or move your neck, arms and legs.
  3. Imaging tests.

Why do veterans get tinnitus?

With veterans and active duty service men and women, the overwhelmingly common cause is noise exposure. Other causes may include outer or middle ear disorders, perforated eardrums, allergies, medications, trauma, or systemic disorders such as low blood pressure and diabetes.

What is the maximum VA rating for tinnitus?

The only disability rating available for tinnitus is 10\% disability/eligibility rating. A 10\% disability rating will be assigned whether you have ringing in one ear or in both ears, you cannot receive a 20\% rating due to tinnitus in both ears.

How do you prove tinnitus?

How do you prove you have tinnitus?

Do most veterans have tinnitus?

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Tinnitus is the number one disability among Veterans and it affects at least one in every 10 American adults. Veterans have higher rates of tinnitus than the general public due to the noise levels they encounter while in the service, including gunfire, machinery, aircraft, and much more.

Can a hearing test detect tinnitus?

The most common test is a hearing test (pure tone audiogram). Because many people with tinnitus complain that their ears feel blocked, your specialist may request a test called tympanometry which measures the pressure inside the ears – this is quick and non-invasive.