
Can you join British Army with glasses?

Can you join British Army with glasses?

You can join the British Army wearing glasses. However the level of vision varies depending on the branch you join. For the infantry you only need to have two eyes, not necessarily functioning in tandem. For the armour at least one eye is favoured, especially when moving at night.

Can you join the Army if you need glasses?

Poor vision typically will not limit your ability to serve in the U.S. Military, so long as your vision problem can be suitably corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses or vision correction surgery. Trendy eyeglasses or sunglasses with initials, designs or other adornments are not authorized for wear.

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How bad can your eyesight be in the Army?

From OPM: Corrected distant vision must be at least 20/30 in one eye and 20/70 in the other eye. Uncorrected distant vision is required only if it is likely that corrective lenses may be lost or broken. If so, uncorrected distant vision must be at least 20/100 binocular. Ability to distinguish basic colors is required.

Can you join the CAF with glasses?

The wear of civilian glasses in Basic Training is not authorized. They will be replaced with the authorized issue. After basic and AIT, you will be allowed to wear civilian glasses as long as they conform to the regulation above.

Do you need good eyesight to be in the Army UK?

It is important to have good eyesight, although visual correction, such as spectacle of contact lenses (within certain limits), is allowed for most Army jobs.

Can civilians wear Cadpat?

It’s illegal for civilians to own or wear the camouflage CADPAT clothing, and it’s illegal for soldiers to sell it.

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Can you chew gum in uniform army?

Don’t chew gum in uniform. Don’t use the cell phone while walking in uniform. Keep your uniform clean and ready for inspection every day.

Can anyone join the army UK?

Nationality. You must be either a British Citizen, a Citizen of the Irish Republic or a member of the Commonwealth with Indefinite Leave to Remain (this doesn’t include Student Visas).

Do you meet the basic standards needed to join the Army?

Do you meet the basic standards needed to join the British Army? When you apply to join the Army, you will need to meet certain entry requirements. These include your age, health and nationality. Everyone who joins must meet these requirements, and they will be checked as part of your application.

Can I join the British Army from the Commonwealth?

The British Army is famous across the globe – so it’s no surprise that foreign nationals are eager to join our ranks. And we, in turn, are immensely proud to welcome nationals of Commonwealth countries and the Republic of Ireland to serve in the British Army.

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Can a family member of a service member enter the UK?

Service family members who are subject to immigration control, including where the service person is a UK national, must enter the UK under Immigration Rules Appendix Armed Forces on Form VAF AF if they wish to establish a family life.

What are the immigration rules for the Armed Forces?

Entering under Immigration Rules Appendix Armed Forces allows the family to progress towards settling in the UK through being granted Indefinite Leave to Remain or Indefinite Leave to Enter (depending on whether you apply from within or outside the UK). Settlement is a step towards applying for British Citizenship, if the family wishes.