
Can you legalize a sawed-off shotgun?

Can you legalize a sawed-off shotgun?

Fortunately, a sawed-off shotgun is actually legal! Mostly. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, it’s important to first know the legal definition of a sawed-off shotgun. A key part of the definition is that the barrel is less than 18-inches and/or the overall length is less than 26-inches.

Can you own an antique sawed-off shotgun?

California Penal Code 16590 is California’s statute governing “generally prohibited weapons.” The statute lists several weapons/objects that are generally prohibited in the State of California. Short-barreled rifles and sawed-off shotguns are two such weapons, specifically banned under PC 16590(t).

Are double barrel shotguns legal?

Under the National Firearms Act (NFA), it is illegal for a private citizen to possess a sawed-off modern smokeless powder shotgun (a shotgun with a barrel length shorter than 18 inches (46 cm) or a minimum overall length of the weapon, total, including the 18-inch minimum barrel, of under 26 inches (66 cm)) (under …

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What is the legal length of a sawed off shotgun?

18 inches
Under the National Firearms Act (NFA), it is illegal for a private citizen to possess a sawed-off modern smokeless powder shotgun (a shotgun with a barrel length shorter than 18 inches (46 cm) or a minimum overall length of the weapon, total, including the 18-inch minimum barrel, of under 26 inches (66 cm)) (under …

Does a double barrel shotgun have two triggers?

First of all, a double barrel shotgun has two triggers. So even if you fired both barrels, each barrel only fires when you pull the trigger once.

What is a PGO shotgun?

As I mentioned earlier, the “other” category houses guns that don’t fit into the pistol, rifle, or shotgun arenas. Commonly referred to as PGO, or pistol grip only this “other” category has its own set of rules. First, no stocks allowed. No stock here. Second, they must measure over 26-inches in length.