
Can you over tighten a bike chain?

Can you over tighten a bike chain?

When a motorcycle chain is too tight, it’ll put stress on several components of the bike and cause the sprockets to wear faster, make the engine work harder, and cause the suspension to be tight and uncomfortable. Ultimately, a tight chain on a motorcycle may break leaving you with no power.

When should I change my bike chain stretch?

Another ballpark method for checking chain wear is by measuring it with a ruler. Pick a rivet and line it up at the zero mark. Count 24 more rivets and your last rivet should be at the 12″ mark of your ruler. If it is off by more than 1/16″ your chain is stretched to the point of replacement.

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What happens if your bike chain is too loose?

Is A Loose Bike Chain Bad For Your Bike? A loose chain can cause accelerated wear of your drivetrain components, leading to premature cassette or freewheel or cog replacement, chainring replacement, or chain replacement.

How do you reset a bike chain?

Start by putting the chain around the small gear on the rear axle of the bike. Next, place some of the chain on the around the big gear by the pedals on the side facing the seat. (This side should be facing down since the bike is upside down.) Keeping one hand on the chain to guide it, slowly start pedaling the bike.

What causes a bike chain to stretch?

The major cause of chain “stretch” is wearing away of the metal where the link pin rotates inside of the bushing (or the “bushing” part of the inside plate) as the chain links flex and straighten as the chain goes onto and off of the sprockets.

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How long does a chainring last?

A steady rider who stays on the big ring, keeps the drivetrain clean and doesn’t let the chain get too long before replacing it, and started with good quality components can get 60,000+ miles out of a chain ring.

What causes chain skipping?

Most of the time, a skipping chain is caused by cable stretch. In the first half dozen rides on a new bike your shift cables stretch the most. They can also stretch over time as you ride. Hippley explains, “It takes cable tension to open a derailleur, which shifts your chain between gears.

Why is my bike chain slipping?

Most of the time, a skipping chain is caused by cable stretch. In the first half dozen rides on a new bike your shift cables stretch the most. They can also stretch over time as you ride. Shift down into the smallest ring in the rear cassette again, and press your shifter again to see if the bike shifts properly.