
Can you replace iridium spark plugs with platinum?

Can you replace iridium spark plugs with platinum?

Iridium spark plugs offer better performance compared to platinum, but they are usually costlier than platinum. However, you can use platinum if it happens to be the spark plug your budget can afford. But iridium is a better option, apart from the high cost.

Are platinum spark plugs worth the money?

If you want a good quality spark plug at a decent price, the platinum spark plug is priced more affordable than the iridium spark plug. The platinum will still last a long time for the money and you don’t have to resort to cheaper copper spark plugs which have a short lifespan.

Do platinum spark plugs give you better gas mileage?

The platinum electrode plugs come pre-gapped and are the direct OEM replacement that came with your Ford car or truck. Get quieter idling, faster startup, better gas mileage, and better overall performance.

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Can you mix different brands of spark plugs?

All spark plug manufacturers cross-reference their plugs with other brands so their brand can be interchanged with other brands. In other words, any brand of spark plug can be used in any vehicle make or model application assuming the plug has the correct dimensions, design and heat range.

Can wrong spark plugs cause a misfire?

To answer your question in one word – YES, the wrong spark plugs or incorrect spark plug gap can and often will cause a vehicle’s engine to misfire or run incredibly inefficient. Misfiring issues could be related to a faulty coil, bad plug wires, even fuel injection issues.

Which spark plugs are best platinum or iridium?

Iridium is said to be six times harder and eight times stronger than platinum with a 700° higher melting point. Iridium spark plugs have extremely fine electrodes while retaining excellent wear characteristics. Thanks to its strength, iridium spark plugs can last up to 25\% longer than comparable platinum spark plugs.