
Can you transfer acetylene from one bottle to another?

Can you transfer acetylene from one bottle to another?

Yes, you can. However, keep in mind that the pressure of the little tank will never be higher than the larger tank. Also, you can only fill the little tank so fast without it overheating. When we refill bottles on our Fire Department, we use a cascade system.

How do I know when my acetylene tank is full?

In order to tell if a welding tank is almost empty, read the gauge! Often measured in pound-force per square inch (psi), the gauge will tell you that the pressure is decreasing. Notice the pressure your tank is at when full, this could be 1000 psi. When it reaches 500 psi you will know it is half way empty.

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What happens if you lay the acetylene tank on its side and use it right away?

Acetylene cylinders must not be placed on their sides, since the acetone and binders will have dislodged. The result may be formation of an acetylene “pocket” that is subject to polymerization and the possibility that liquid acetone will be released into the regulator.

Can acetylene spontaneously combust?

Acetylene does not need a flame to burn, and it will auto-ignite (spontaneously combust) at temperatures of around 763-824 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, free acetylene must never be stored in high pressure cylinders.

How much does it cost to refill oxygen and acetylene?

The costs for filling your acetylene and oxygen tanks differ due to the tank capacity, with bigger tanks per cubic foot less costly. A tank of around $20, #4 at $80, and #5 onwards would run around $120. Oxygen is about $20 for 240 cubic feet or about 300 cubic feet and $35 for your bigger 300 feet.

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What should my oxygen and acetylene be set at?

The recommended setting for multi-hole cutting is the oxygen regulator at 40 psig with the acetylene regulator setting at 10 psig.

What PSI is an oxygen tank considered empty?

The prescribed threshold value is 500 psig.

Can you haul oxygen and acetylene laying down?

Haul the acetylene upright unless you want complications like them taking off as rockets and like paying to get the acetone refilled and have to burn acetone in your torch instead of acetylene for a while. Banging the valve end of an oxygen tank on the bed can wreck it too.

Can I store oxygen and acetylene cylinders together?

Oxygen storage. Oxygen cylinders shall not be stored near highly combustible material, especially oil and grease; or near reserve stocks of carbide and acetylene or other fuel-gas cylinders, or near any other substance likely to cause or accelerate fire; or in an acetylene generator compartment.

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Can oxy acetylene explode?

Acetylene is highly unstable. High pressure or temperatures can result in decomposition that can result in fire or explosion. Acetylene cylinders must never be transported or stored in a closed vehicle.