
Did the Death Star destroy a planet?

Did the Death Star destroy a planet?

The Death Star was the Empire’s ultimate weapon: a moon-sized space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet.

How many people died on Alderaan Star Wars?

Originally Answered: How many people died on Alderaan? About 2 billion people died. As impossible as it may sound, there were about 60,000 survivors including Princess Leia.

Which was the first planet blown up by the Death Star?

The first planet that the Death Star destroyed was Alderaan, home of Princess Leia.

What is the most dead planet?

12 Planets in our Solar System? Mercury is a dead planet and the most heavily cratered object in the solar system. It is a world of black starry skies, gray craters, no moon and not enough gravity to hold an atmosphere.

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What is the deadliest thing in Star Wars?

The Mandalorian: The 10 Most Dangerous Creatures In The Star Wars Galaxy

  • 8 Krykna.
  • 7 Summa-Verminoth.
  • 6 Zillo Beast.
  • 5 Krayt Dragon.
  • 4 Sarlacc.
  • 3 Acklay.
  • 2 Exogorth. An Exogorth is essentially a space slug.
  • 1 Rathtar. The Rathtar may be a strange design but it really has all the necessary components to kill.

Was the destruction of Alderaan justified?

Destroying Alderaan ultimately led obi wan to duel vader. Then after finding the base by tracking the milenium falcon they were on the verge of ending the war. It didn’t happen but this made the empire rethink their methods. So yes it was justified.

Did the Empire evacuate Alderaan?

Did the Empire evacuate its forces from Alderaan before blowing it into oblivion? – Quora. Nope. Tarkin just killed anyone and everyone on the planet on a power-mad whim. Besides that, if anybody saw the Imperial personnel leaving then the whole of Alderaan would be off-world faster than you could say bantha poodoo.