
Do anorexics get force fed?

Do anorexics get force fed?

Cases that involve force-feeding of people with anorexia through a nasal or stomach tube often get the most news attention. This type of treatment, though, falls at one extreme of a spectrum, from persuasion by family members or healthcare professionals to involuntary, legal action.

Can a hospital force feed you UK?

Force-feeding of hunger strikers is allowed in law, but conditions exist which make it an option of last resort. In the first, a patient detained under the 1983 Mental Health Act can be force-fed if it is believed feeding is necessary to treat their underlying mental disorder.

Can the hospital force feed you?

The hospital’s duty is to intervene, and the court’s responsibility is to allow such intervention. The most compassionate way in which the hospital can help is to force-feed the patient. If a patient is mentally competent, the refusal to eat is morally wrong.

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Is force-feeding legal in the UK?

Suffragettes who had been imprisoned while campaigning for votes for women went on hunger strike and were force fed. This lasted until the Prisoners Act of 1913, also known as the Cat and Mouse Act, whereby debilitated prisoners would be released, allowed to recover, and then re-arrested.

Is force-feeding illegal?

The World Medical Association holds that it is unethical for a doctor to participate in force-feeding. Put simply, force-feeding violates international law. The military claims that it is force-feeding the detainees in order to keep them safe and alive.

How were suffragettes force fed?

2: Suffragettes were forcibly fed by prison authorities Mixtures of milk, eggs or other liquid foods were poured into the stomach. Emmeline Pankhurst, founder of the Women’s Social and Political Union, described one London prison during a period of force-feeding: “Holloway became a place of horror and torment.

Is force-feeding a human rights violation?

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“The Israeli Medical Association has said that force-feeding is tantamount to torture. United Nations human rights experts have called it a violation of internationally-protected human rights. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan E.