
Do countries allow international students to stay back after graduation?

Do countries allow international students to stay back after graduation?

There are many countries where a student can pursue both – higher studies and stay back for some work experience at the same time. The trend for stuedents applying to the US specially among the Indian students is 80\% higher, however, countries like Canada and Australia have emerged as an equally preferred choice.

Can I get PR in Denmark after study?

You can apply for permanent residency after four years of residence in Denmark if you fulfil all four supplementary requirements which are: 1) full-time work in each of the last 4 years; 2) pass the Danish language exam, PD3; 3) demonstrate an income of 290,000 kroner in each of the last two years; 4) pass an active …

Why do international students choose to stay in Denmark after graduation?

The graduates emphasize four reasons why they have chosen to stay: The good balance between work and leisure life, the Danish wages levels, the outstanding opportunities for professional development and challenges as well as the chance to gain international experience.

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How can I stay in Denmark after graduation?

You may stay in Denmark under the EU rules regarding the free movement of people and services, but if you want to stay for longer than three months, you must apply for a registration certificate under EU rules. The application must be submitted within three months of entering Denmark.

How long does it take to get permanent residency in Denmark?

You can be granted a permanent residence permit in Denmark once you have had a temporary residence permit for eight years. In some cases the requirement is four years.

How much is a Kasse?

The price is on average DKK 420 per month. The amount is tax deductible. Contact Danske A-kasser if you have questions about what a-kasse you should choose and read more about each a-kasse here (in Danish).