
Do grad schools care about where you went to undergrad?

Do grad schools care about where you went to undergrad?

Grad schools are usually less concerned about what college a candidate attended than whether he or she has strong academic potential. “They need to demonstrate academic success relative to the institution they’re attending. In our program, we have a variety of undergraduate institutions represented.”

Is it easier to get into grad school if you went there for undergraduate?

If you have a strong application, then your undergrad university will be more inclined to take you as a graduate student. The reason is that to have a strong application, you need very good reference letters.

Should you apply to grad school from a prestigious college?

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Gupta says one advantage of applying to grad school from a prestigious college is that such a college will typically offer a wide array of compelling research, internship and publication opportunities that look good on a resume.

Does your undergraduate institution’s reputation matter in graduate school admissions?

(Getty Images) Graduate school hopefuls often wonder if the reputation of their undergraduate institution will influence their odds of acceptance to their dream grad program. But experts say college affiliations are typically a minor factor in graduate admissions decisions.

Can you get into a Top grad school without going to college?

It is possible to gain admission to a top grad school without having attended a prestigious college, Maerowitz says. She adds that nationally competitive grad schools regularly recruit students from a variety of institutions all over the country. According to Losee, Harvard’s MBA program accepts students from a wide array of colleges.

Does your undergrad school 4 or 5 years ago matter?

I don’t think your undergrad school 4 or 5 years ago matters much. The difference I see is not the period after grad school but the period in between undergrad and grad school. Where you go to undergrad may already open up the opportunities that you hope to get after your grad school.