
Do intrusive thoughts create karma?

Do intrusive thoughts create karma?

No,Karma is created by the things we do, thinking is not doing,our actions caus Karma,when we do something good then good Karma happens to us,and when we do something that we know is wrong then it causes bad Karma to come back on us.

Can bad thoughts give you bad karma?

Yes, a bad thought accounts for bad karma, because the bad thought will someday relay into an action, the fact you are not doing it is because of lack of the opportune moment, and not because you are genuinely good or innocent.

Are thoughts part of karma?

Thoughts are the seeds for action, and are highly potent. Every action arises as a thought in the mind first. Hence thoughts and intentions are also part of ‘karma’. An ill feeling towards another, be it envy, anger or hatred, when borne in one’s mind, leaves a deep imprint in one’s consciousness.

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Are OCD thoughts and actions karma manifested?

OCD “actions” are karma manifested. OCD thoughts are your conscious opportunity to affect the cravings that arise this karma and to appease and eliminate the arising of these actions.

What are ococd thoughts and how do they work?

OCD thoughts are your conscious opportunity to affect the cravings that arise this karma and to appease and eliminate the arising of these actions. This requires the development of the mind to deeper awareness and focus. This is the method of Buddhism.

What are the signs and symptoms of OCD?

Each person with OCD will have a different experience with obsessions, but common thoughts or thought patterns include: Constant worry about catching a deadly disease and/or contaminating others with your germs Fears about contamination with environmental toxins (e.g. lead or radioactivity)

How do people with OCD react to intrusive thoughts?

People with OCD may react to intrusive thoughts by trying to suppress them, though it often makes them come back worse than before. The behavior leads to a cycle of continued thought suppression, which causes more distressing thoughts (and may even create obsessions). 2