
Do massage guns work scientifically?

Do massage guns work scientifically?

Research has shown that massage guns can be effective in reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and improving short term muscle length. By utilizing the massage gun on the muscles used in the workout, you can reduce the amount of muscle soreness, therefore aiding in muscle recovery.

What is the science behind the Theragun?

Percussive therapy provides rapid bursts of pressure into muscles, often 40 or more percussions per second at more than a centimeter of amplitude. Companies claim that these tools increase blood flow, which can help reduce inflammation and muscle tension, and possibly increase range of motion.

Do massage guns make a difference?

Massage guns—also called percussive massagers—have more powerful motors and reach deeper into muscle tissue, which can relieve pain, release tension, and even improve range of motion.

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Are massage guns good or bad?

It can help relax tight muscles, break up scar tissue and adhesions, and minimize muscle soreness and tension. A small study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research found percussive therapy to be as effective as massage in preventing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

Do massage guns get rid of knots?

Massage guns can help increase blood flow to a specific area of muscle. In doing so, this process can contribute to decreasing muscle inflammation and tension, which can include breaking up annoying knots.

How do massage guns increase blood flow?

The Theragun and other massage guns “trick” your nervous system into blocking pain signals to the brain and increase the blood flow to your muscles. This offers numerous benefits to your body, both at the time of use and in the future.

When should you not use a massage gun?

Injuries you should not use a massage gun on (without doctor supervision)

  • Muscle strains.
  • Sprains.
  • Inflammation-related injuries.
  • Broken bones.
  • Chronic conditions.