
Do you have to attend your college graduation?

Do you have to attend your college graduation?

Attendance is not mandatory but you may regret not attending. I finished my Master’s Degree during the summer and did not attend the summer graduation ceremony. The university mailed me my diploma.

What can I do instead of going to graduation?

Six inexpensive alternatives to a big graduation party

  • Throw them a grad party (lower case)
  • Take them on a trip.
  • Tickets to a concert, play, spa day, etc.
  • Give time &/or money to a cause that’s important to them.
  • Get them a special gift.
  • Give them the party money and let them decide what to do it.
  • Don’t do anything.

What does graduating from college feel like?

Graduation not only can bring up feelings of excitement, pride, and anticipation, but also those of loss, discouragement, and fear. One would not expect to feel sad during a time typically thought of as a joyful period in one’s life.

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Is graduating college good?

College Graduates Earn More Than Non-Graduates Despite the rising cost of post-secondary education, a college degree still pays off for the majority of graduates. On average, those with a bachelor’s degree earn significantly more than their peers with only a high school diploma.

What to do if you don’t go to college?

So You Don’t Want to go to College: Bachelor’s Degree…

  1. Pursue vocational training. Trade schools offer vocational training that is a more direct route to many secure and high-paying jobs.
  2. Enroll in a bootcamp.
  3. Consider community college.
  4. Join the military.
  5. Take time to travel.
  6. Get an internship.

How does graduation work in college?

Your graduation ceremony is also referred to as “commencement” or “convocation”. After walking the stage, you’ll go from from “graduand” to “graduate” over the course of the graduation ceremony. You’ll get to hear from esteemed faculty members, guest speakers, and shake the Chancellor’s hand.

What happens at a college graduation ceremony?

The valedictory address, given by the highest-ranking student, usually is prior to the presentation of diplomas. The high school principal or the college president presents the diplomas or degrees. Students then move their tassels from the right to the left, a symbol of rite of passage from student to graduate.

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Is high school graduation important?

Overall, high school graduation has the potential to improve population health. Research consistently shows that employment prospects and lifelong earning potential are better for high school graduates. For every year of high school that a student completes, their lifetime wealth increases by 15\%.