
Do you need a step between garage and house?

Do you need a step between garage and house?

you dont need a step, the regs only say you need a 100mm difference, so a threshhold you step over works, but dont blame me when you keep tripping over it.

Where should a detached garage be located?

Typically, a detached garage has been located behind the home at the end of a concrete or asphalt driveway usually towards the rear property line. This was designated during the time the subdivision was created as a way to ensure the architecture of the residence remains the primary focus of the lot.

Which side of the house should the garage go?

Whether the garage for your new home is attached to the house or detached from the house, it is wise to put the garage on the “high side” of the lot. So, if when looking at your lot face-on, it slopes down from left to right, the garage would go on the left side of the house.

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Why do garages have a step down?

Old habits die hard. Building codes used to stipulate that the floor of an attached garage be four inches lower than the floor level of the house. The rationale for requiring this little step was that it would prevent spilled gasoline, gasoline vapors, and carbon monoxide from getting inside the house.

Why are garage floors lower than the house?

Why are garage floors lower than the house? Garage floors are lower than the house because it prevents flooding. In the majority of homes, the water heater is stored in the garage. Leakage due to the heater malfunctioning could result in home flooding if not for the difference.

How far should a detached garage be from a house?

If your detached garage will face the front of the house, rules state it can be anywhere from 5 – 15 feet from the front property line and 5 feet from the side. If the garage is in the backyard, off an alley, there should be approximately 5 feet on each side.

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What to know before building a garage?

Here are a few things to consider when you first start to plan for a new garage.

  • Zoning Laws. The first thing you want to do before you pick out any garage plan or materials is to check the zoning laws.
  • Purpose.
  • Ventilation.
  • Car Size.
  • Attached or Detached.
  • Picking a Garage Plan.

Is it better to have a garage in the front or back?

While designers and architects do their best to design homes that are aesthetically pleasing, a lot of people feel the garage in a front attached home is simply too much. When you have a rear detached garage, the front of your home has more curb appeal in that it might look more like the traditional picket-fence home.

What is a side entry garage?

A side-entry garage is convenient for corner lot construction, or one that is wide enough to allow for backing out space. Because the doors face the side of the property, the garage does not interfere with the home’s front aesthetic.

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Why are kitchen sinks always by windows?

Kitchen sinks are typically placed under windows because the window can help filter the bad smell from the sink. Also, kitchen sink plumbing will have a short drain pipe that is filtered to the outside.

Why are kitchens always in the back of the house?

Most kitchens are placed in the rear of the house. Access to a rear kitchen door allowed for faster disposal of waste and easy ventilation; also, deliveries could be made directly to the kitchen to save labor.