
Does 100 degrees feel hot in Arizona?

Does 100 degrees feel hot in Arizona?

The truth is that because Phoenix humidity levels are lower than many other regions of the country, 100 degrees F may not feel as horrible or suffocating in the Valley of the Sun as it does when temperatures rise to triple digits in parts of the country that have higher levels of humidity.

Should I work in 115-degree weather?

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration doesn’t require employers to maintain specific temperatures in the workplace. To protect employees from having to work in uncomfortable temperatures, OSHA recommends that employers keep the thermostat between 68 and 78 degrees.

How many days is 115 degrees in Phoenix?

Last summer was the hottest on record, setting marks for the most 95-degree days (172), 100-degree days (145), 105-degree days (102), 110-degree days (53) and 115-degree days (14) in a year while also recording the hottest July and August in history.

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Is Phoenix humid in summer?

In addition to temperatures in excess of 100 degrees, the summer humidity in Phoenix ranges between a balmy 10 percent and a throat-parching 2 percent.

How hot does Phoenix Arizona get in the summer?

Nearly every day during summer, the temperature in Phoenix tops 99°F. Even during winter months, while it seldom reaches 80, the days will usually get to at least 60 degrees.

What does Arizona heat feel like?

Phoenix in the summertime, has heat so great that it feels like it’s too hot to breathe! Those few days that occur where temperatures are above 115°, breathing through your nose or mouth feels like your going to bake and dry out as you breathe, plus the air is thin and it feels like you’re not getting enough oxygen.

What is the hottest it gets in Phoenix Arizona?

Phoenix breaks record high as Valley temps hit 118° The National Weather Service says the record high, 118°F, beat the previously set record of 114°F, which was set in 2015.