
Does Ruby have a debugger?

Does Ruby have a debugger?

To help deal with bugs, the standard distribution of Ruby includes a debugger. In order to start the Ruby debugger, load the debug library using the command-line option -r debug. The debugger stops before the first line of executable code and asks for the input of user commands.

How do I debug a Ruby script?

Debug Ruby code

  1. gem install ruby-debug (Ruby 1.8) or gem install debugger (Ruby 1.9)
  2. Start your server with script/server –debugger.
  3. Set a breakpoint by invoking debugger anywhere in your code.
  4. Open your application in the browser and run the code path that crosses the breakpoint.

How do I debug a Ruby Gem?

5 Answers

  1. Add the ruby-debug gem to your Gemfile (or ruby-debug19 if you’re on Ruby 1.9.
  2. Find the Gem by doing bundle show gemname .
  3. Open the gem directory in your favorite editor.
  4. Navigate to the file and line where you want to put the breakpoint* and insert debugger above the line in question.
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How do I debug a code in Visual Studio Ruby?


  1. Open a Ruby project folder in VS Code.
  2. Go to the Debug view from the Activity bar.
  3. Click the Play button at the top of the Debug view (or use the F5 keyboard shortcut). (If you don’t have a launch configuration in the current workspace, the extension will debug the active file.)

What is Ruby debugger?

This is when it is useful to employ an interactive debugger. Ruby’s ruby-debug is a powerful tool that allows for you to stop the execution of the application at a particular moment and to investigate and interact within that context.

How do I enable debugging in Ruby?

  1. In Ruby: ruby -rdebug myscript.rb. then, b : put break-point. and n(ext) or s(tep) and c(ontinue) p(uts) for display. (like perl debug)
  2. In Rails: Launch the server with script/server –debugger. and add debugger in the code.

How do I print output in Ruby?

We print two lines using the $stdout variable. Ruby has another three methods for printing output. In the example, we present the p , printf and putc methods. The p calls the inspect method upon the object being printed.

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What is Ruby debug IDE?

The ‘ruby-debug-ide’ gem provides the protocol to establish communication between the debugger engine (such as debase or ruby-debug-base) and IDEs (for example, RubyMine, Visual Studio Code, or Eclipse). ‘ruby-debug-ide’ redirect commands from the IDE to the debugger engine.

Is readapt included in your Gemfile?

Note that readapt must be included in your Gemfile for useBundler to work.

How do you make a Byebug?

To enter byebug this way, just drop byebug in whichever line you want to start debugging at. You also have to require byebug somehow. If using bundler, it will take care of that for you, otherwise you can use the ruby -r flag or add require “byebug” in the line previous to the byebug call.

What does P mean in Ruby?

Inspect method inspect, might be quite the task. To solve this exact problem, ruby has the method “p”, which is defined as shown below. def p(object) puts object.inspect #p is defined as puts (something).inspect end. So instead of writing puts something.