
Does socket IO auto reconnect?

Does socket IO auto reconnect?

In the first case, the Socket will automatically try to reconnect, after a given delay.

Why does socket IO keep disconnecting and reconnecting?

Your problem is around socket timeouts. If there’s no activity on a certain socket, will close it automatically. An easy (and hackish) fix is to send a heartbeat to the connected client to create activity and stop the socket from timing out.

Are WebSockets unstable?

It is worth to mention that WebSockets give us only an illusion of reliability. Unfortunately, the Internet connection itself is not reliable. There are many places when the connection is slow, devices often go offline, and in fact, there is still a need to be backed by a reliable messaging system.

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How do I close a connection in socket IO?

var socket = io. connect(‘http://localhost:3000/test’); socket. on(‘disconnect’, function () { console. log(‘disconnect client event….’); }); socket.

How do you check if Socket.IO client is connected or not?

You can check the socket. connected property: var socket = io. connect(); console.

Is connected false?

connected is always false, cannot emit or receive messages too. const socket = io. connect(“http://localhost:80”); console. log(socket.

Does WebSocket require Internet connection?

Yes. Just remember to incorporate your own detection of dead connection. Basically you have to implement your on ping/pong mechanism, a piece of data (like a json message {ping:true} ) that you send from server every X time to client.

How do you check if socket IO client is connected or not?

How does socket IO connect to client and server?

listen(port); // Create a Socket.IO instance, passing it our server var socket = io. listen(server); // Add a connect listener socket. on(‘connection’, function(client){ console. log(‘Connection to client established’); // Success!

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How do you check if a socket is connected disconnected in C#?

Just use the KeepAlive like @toster-cx says and then use the Socket Connected status to check if the Socket is still connected. Set your receive timeout at the same timeout of the keepalive.