
Does Somalia produce oil?

Does Somalia produce oil?

Oil production could start for the first time in the country in two years, he said. The Somalia Petroleum Authority launched the country’s first-ever offshore round in May 2020 offering seven blocks in the offshore which runs into the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden.

Does Somalia have crude oil?

With the exception of Sea Lion, all major offshore oil discoveries have been successfully developed and have achieved commercial production. Geologists’ early prognosis is that offshore Somalia is more likely oil prone than gas prone.

How many barrels of oil does Somalia have?

Summary Table

Barrels per Day Global Rank
Oil Production 0 N.A.
Oil Consumption 5,600 173rd in the world
Daily Deficit -5,600
Oil Imports 0

When did Somalia discover oil?

Exploration in Somalia began onshore in 1956 with the drilling of the Sagaleh-1 well, followed by a number of wells drilled mostly in the north of the country. These clearly established the presence of a working Jurassic hydrocarbon system, as illustrated by the 1959 Daga Shabel-1 discovery well.

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Does Somalia have fuel?

Gas Reserves in Somalia Somalia holds 0.20 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves as of 2017, ranking 87th in the world and accounting for about 0.003\% of the world’s total natural gas reserves of 6,923 Tcf. Somalia has proven reserves equivalent to inf times its annual consumption.

Does Somalia have uranium?

The main uranium deposits are in Galmudug FMS in central Somalia. Somalia has an estimated 10,200 tonnes of uranium reserves, with 7,600 tonnes of it potentially commercially recoverable, Figure 1. Somalia: Uranium deposits and main alleged nuclear waste dumping sites.