
Does the CIA use 22LR?

Does the CIA use 22LR?

22LR suppressed High Standard pistols were again used by both CIA operatives (including Air America pilots) and Special Forces members of the classified Studies and Observations Group, including the Navy SEALs and Army’s Green Berets.

Was the Sten any good?

“It wasn’t a reliable instrument for anything over 100 yards, but for anything close-quarters it was very reliable.” The British Special Operations Executive provided thousands of Sten Guns to partisan groups and resistance fighters as well. The weapons were distributed widely throughout Europe and the Middle East.

What was the name of the Spy Radio in WW2?

II, commonly known as the B2, is arguably the most well known spy radio set used during WWII. It was designed in 1942 by (then) Captain John Brown at SOE Station IX, and manufactured by the Radio Communication Department of the SOE at Stonebridge Park.

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How were B2 spy radio sets transported to other countries?

Many B2 spy radio sets were brought into an occupied country, by means of air droppings or over sea. Most suitcases would not survive such a trip. Furthermore, many of the radio stations were intended for use by the resistance, in which case they often had to be stored in moist places, such as a forest or a farm.

What countries did SOE operate in WW2?

SOE operated in all territories occupied or attacked by the Axis forces, except where demarcation lines were agreed with Britain’s principal Allies (the United States and the Soviet Union ). It also made use of neutral territory on occasion or made plans and preparations in case neutral countries were attacked by the Axis.

What happened to the SOE after the war?

After the war, the organisation was officially dissolved on 15 January 1946. A memorial to SOE’s agents was unveiled in October 2009 on the Albert Embankment by Lambeth Palace in London.