
Does Thor end up with SIF or Jane?

Does Thor end up with SIF or Jane?

Sif was now highly accomplished in the ways of the warrior. Soon after meeting Sif again, Thor and Sif became lovers and companions, as well as allies in numerous battles. Eventually, they decided to marry.

What is the relationship between Thor and Jane Foster?

Jane Foster Jane is Thor’s love interest. She is an astrophysicist. Jane appeared in most Thor micro-episodes and in the films. In the films, she, along with Erik Selvig and her assistant Darcy, takes Thor to a hospital after he first lands in New Mexico after his banishment.

Why did Thor marry SIF?

Thor and Sif Odin found Thor’s mortal love to be too much of a distraction on his path to what was supposed to be redemption. The All-Father feared his son would never awaken to his true godhood so long as he wanted to stay on Earth with Jane. So, he sent in Sif to hopefully sway his son back to Asgard.

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Who does Thor fall in love with?

Jane Foster
Jane Foster is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was introduced as a love interest of the superhero Thor Odinson until becoming a superhero in her own right.

Does Thor marry Jane Foster?

Upon saving Asgard from Ragnarok, Odin forces her to relinquish the hammer to Donald Blake so he can become the new Thor. This resulted in Jane losing her powers, but she was allowed to remain on Asgard and keep her goddess status since she later falls in love with and marries Odin.

Why did Thor forget about Sif?

After becoming a superhero on Earth and forming a relationship with Jane Foster, Thor seemingly forgot about Sif. Odin, who had always been opposed to his son sharing a romance with a mortal, made Jane pass a test to see if she was worthy of being with Thor. When she failed the test and asked to have her memory taken away, Thor was deeply hurt.

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Will Lady Sif be Thor’s new love interest in love and Thunder?

Instead of revisiting Thor’s romance with Jane Foster, it’s possible that Thor: Love and Thunder will make Lady Sif his new love interest. Instead of revisiting Thor’s romance with Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) in Thor: Love and Thunder, Lady Sif (Jamie Alexander) could serve as the Avenger’s love interest.

Why did Lady Sif merge with Jane Foster?

When Marvel Comics brought Jane Foster back into Thor’s life, it was revealed that his feelings for her lingered, much to Lady Sif’s disappointment. Regardless of her jealousy, she willingly merged her spirit with Jane’s to save her life.

What happened to Sif in the MCU?

Sif is a key supporting character and ally to the God of Thunder in both Marvel Comics and the MCU, yet she hasn’t made an appearance in several years. In the first two Thor movies, Thor’s attention was occupied by Jane Foster. Things changed rapidly before the third movie, as Marvel wrote her out of the story in Thor: Ragnarok.