
How are human beings responsible for the depletion of vegetation and wildlife?

How are human beings responsible for the depletion of vegetation and wildlife?

1- Humans clears the forest and vegetation cover for farmlands to feed the increasing population. 2- It needs a land to build houses for human population. 3- The demand of animal in the form of meats, skins had increased.

How does human activities affect natural vegetation?

Human activities are known to disturb the ecosystem in the forest. In particular, the heavy use of BTNR for recreational purposes could accelerate soil erosion, degrading the quality of the habitat for the resident flora and fauna.

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How human activities affected the depletion of flora and fauna explain Class 10?

Q2. How have human activities affected the depletion of flora and fauna? Explain. Answer: Cutting down of forests for agricultural expansion, large scale developmental projects, grazing and fuel wood collection and for urbanization has led to the depletion of flora and fauna.

Why does the destruction of natural vegetation and wildlife affect man?

Answer: the destruction of natural vegetation causes human to starve due to lack of food. also the destruction of wildlife and natural resources reduces the biodiversity of an area that can cause less trade, less tourism and trading decreasing the overall economy of the country.

How has human activities resulted in depletion of forest?

1 Answer. Human activities have greatly affected the depletion of flora and fauna in such a way as: (a) Expansion of the commercial and scientific forestry and mining activities: Expansion of the industry causes a lot of trees to be cut and the soil is dug out during mining. This has caused depletion of resources.

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How do human being responsible for the depletion of resources?

Resource depletion is most commonly used in reference to farming, fishing, mining, water usage, and consumption of fossil fuels. Major causes of resource depletion are: Population growth: With the increase in population the depletion of natural resources will also increase.

What impacts do human activities have on habitats and wildlife?

Human activity is by far the biggest cause of habitat loss. The loss of wetlands, plains, lakes, and other natural environments all destroy or degrade habitat, as do other human activities such as introducing invasive species, polluting, trading in wildlife, and engaging in wars.

How have human activities affected the depletion of flora and fauna explain Brainly?

Answer: Human activities have greatly affected the depletion of flora and fauna in such a way as: (a) Expansion of the commercial and scientific forestry and mining activities: Expansion of the industry causes a lot of trees to be cut and the soil is dug out during mining. This has caused depletion of resources.

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What are the causes of depletion of flora and fauna Class 9?

The main reason for the depletion of fauna is excessive hunting and poaching. Forests and wetlands are natural habitats of animals and the destruction of these has resulted in the depletion of our wildlife. Over-exploitation of forests has resulted in the depletion of flora.

How human activities affect plants and animals?

We pollute habitats. We illegally hunt and kill animals. Human activity often changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive. Because human populations are growing so fast animals and plants are disappearing 1000 times faster than they have in the past 65 million years.

How have human activities affected agriculture?

The loss of soil from land surfaces by soil erosion has been significantly increased by human activities. Each year about 10 million ha of cropland are lost due to soil erosion [39]. In Slovakia, 32\% of agricultural land is threatened by water and 5\% by wind erosion, respectively [36].