
How can 2 objects with the same volume have different masses?

How can 2 objects with the same volume have different masses?

Density is a characteristic property of a substance. The mass of atoms, their size, and how they are arranged determine the density of a substance. Density equals the mass of the substance divided by its volume; D = m/v. Objects with the same volume but different mass have different densities.

Does equal volume mean equal mass?

Density offers a convenient means of obtaining the mass of a body from its volume or vice versa; the mass is equal to the volume multiplied by the density (M = Vd), while the volume is equal to the mass divided by the density (V = M/d).

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Do two samples with the same mass always have the same volume?

In general, the masses corresponding to different volumes of matter differ. This is true for gas, liquid and solids. In the condensed phase (solid and liquid) masses vary depending on the packing of atoms, molecules or ions in the solid, and the very density of atoms or ions that constitute them.

Do liquids of the same volume always have the same mass?

No matter what size sample of water you measure, the relationship between the mass and volume will always be the same. Because D=m/v, the density is the same for any amount of water.

What has the same mass but different volume?

– Objects with the same mass but different volumes have different densities. – Objects with different masses but the same volume have different densities.

How is mass and volume different?

Volume – How much space an object or substance takes up. Mass – Measurement of the amount of matter in an object or substance.

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Can a small sample of one substance have the same mass as a large sample of a different substance?

Yes it is possible. Even though they are less massive, if they are small enough, there may be so many atoms in a volume of substance B that the overall mass compared to the volume is actually greater than substance A.

Do all liquids have the same volume?

In a liquid, the particles are still in close contact, so liquids have a definite volume. However, because the particles can move about each other rather freely, a liquid has no definite shape and takes a shape dictated by its container.

Can two different liquids have the same density?

Two liquids that have the same volume don’t necessarily have the same density. Density = mass/volume, so they would only have the same density if they also have the same mass. If two liquids have the same density, then any volume of the first substance will have the same density as any volume of the second substance.

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Are mass and volume different?

Mass is how much stuff something is made of. Volume is how much space an object takes up. Find two objects with similar MASS.