
How can I change my mobile number in Indane gas online?

How can I change my mobile number in Indane gas online?

How To Change Registered Mobile Number In Indane Gas Online? Call this number from your registered mobile number and follow the instructions. Choose your language and then select the option, “Change of personal registration number.” Enter the new number and verify it with the OTP.

How can I recharge my Indane gas without registered mobile number?

What if your number is not registered? If your mobile number is not available in Indane records, then one-time registration of your mobile number should be done by entering your 16-digit consumer ID starting with the number 7. This should be followed by authentication of your phone number during the same IVRS call.

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How can I know my mobile number in Indane gas?

Visit….To find your LPG ID with mobile, Aadhaar or consumer number, use Quick Search and follow the instructions mentioned below:

  1. Enter your mobile, Aadhaar or consumer number (with Distributor Name)
  2. Enter the text shown in the image captcha.
  3. Click proceed.
  4. Your 17 Digit LPG ID will be displayed on screen.

What is IVRS number in Indane gas?

Indane Gas Online Booking Number – SMS/IVRS

State City IVRS Number
Karnataka Uchangidurga Universal IVRS number for Indane gas booking 7718955555.

How can I change my mobile number in gas?

Just visit your LPG agency, get the prescribed form and fill the form with your latest mobile number and submit to them. Additionally, HP and Indane has online facility to change mobile number. Visit their portals to accomplish it.

How can I register my mobile number in Indane gas?

Indane Gas booking: Here is how to register a personal mobile number by SMS: If you are using the SMS facility for the first time, then SMS IOC to xxxxxxxxxx. For example, in case the distributor’s telephone number is 26024289 and the consumer number is QX00827C, SMS shall be sent as follow: IOC 1126024289 QX00827C.

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How can I refill my Indane gas through WhatsApp?

If you are an Indane customer, you can book LPG cylinder by calling the new number 7718955555. Booking can also be done on WhatsApp. Type REFILL on WhatsApp Messenger and send it to 7588888824. The customers will need to send the message from the registered mobile number only.

How can I change my LPG mobile number?

How can I get OTP of Indane gas?

The OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number when you book the gas cylinder. if your mobile number has not been updated, the number can be updated by the delivery person through an application in real time.

How can I change my mobile no in LPG online?

How can I book Indane gas cylinder by mobile?

For this, one needs to call from the registered mobile phone at the given number.

  1. Call at 7718955555.
  2. Submit your Indane distributor’s phone number with the STD code.
  3. Submit your Consumer number.
  4. Confirm LPG Gas cylinder refill; and.
  5. LPG Gas booking confirmation will come via SMS on your registered mobile phone.