
How can I eat healthy while taking Adderall?

How can I eat healthy while taking Adderall?

Eat Nutritious Food

  1. A high-protein diet. Beans, cheese, eggs, meat, and nuts can be good sources of protein.
  2. More complex carbohydrates. These are the good guys.
  3. More omega-3 fatty acids. You can find these in tuna, salmon, and other cold-water white fish.

What happens if you don’t eat while on Adderall?

Since Adderall decreases appetite, it is also possible to suffer from unhealthy weight loss or even unintentional anorexia while taking the drug. Not eating enough can result in malnutrition that can affect many vital organs and have serious side effects on the body.

Why is it so hard to eat on Adderall?

Adderall produces dopamine in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter that suppresses appetite. It keeps the dopamine from being recycled and metabolized away.

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What should you not eat before taking Adderall?

Foods that contain large amounts of citric acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) will prevent the absorption of both Adderall IR and XR into the body. Fruit juices high in vitamin C, soda drinks, and food with high levels of preservatives should be avoided an hour before and after taking Adderall.

Why am I gaining weight while taking Adderall?

Although the stimulant effect of ADHD medications can curb your appetite and help burn calories, once it wears off, your appetite can come roaring back. And if you overeat when you’re not on your medicine, you could gain weight, especially since that’s most often in the evening or at night.

How do I stop my Adderall from losing my appetite?

Loss of appetite. Instead, eat several small meals a day, rather than three bigger ones. Eat dinner later in the evening, after the effects of your medication have worn off. You may feel hungry then. Sometimes the worse appetite leads to weight loss.

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Should I eat while taking Adderall?

Since citric and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), in either supplements, juices, or foods can prevent absorption of ADHD stimulant medication, try taking the medication on an empty stomach, and avoid vitamin C an hour before and after taking medication.

Does caffeine make Adderall less effective?

With larger doses, these effects may last for more extended periods. Coffee could also reduce the effectiveness of Adderall. It has diuretic properties that could shorten the lifespan of Adderall by prompting the body to remove the drug from its system sooner.

Can you eat right after taking Adderall?

Adderall on an empty stomach Adderall tablets and Adderall XR extended-release capsules can be taken on an empty stomach. Both forms can also be taken with food. Some people prefer to take them with food to help prevent stomach upset.