
How can I get admission under right to education?

How can I get admission under right to education?

The Eligibility Criteria for RTE Admission (Right to education) is as follows:

  1. The age eligibility for students according to age is in between 6 years to 14 years of age.
  2. 25\%of seats in this policy will reserve for the poor sections of the society.
  3. For applying the student must be a domicile of India.

What is Rte 25\% reservation?

In its landmark judgment on April 12, 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional validity of the Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, which mandates a minimum of 25\% free seats for children belonging to weaker sections and disadvantaged groups (EWS) in all private unaided primary schools.

What is RTE scheme?

Provisions under Right to Education Act (RTE) Act, 2009 Every child between the ages of 6 to 14 years has the right to free and compulsory education. This is stated as per the 86th Constitution Amendment Act via Article 21A. The Right to Education Act seeks to give effect to this amendment.

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Under which fundamental right the right to education is come?

Article 21-A
The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by law, determine.

How can I apply for RTE in Tamilnadu?

Visit the official website, click the “Start Application” link under “Application to Private Schools under the provisions of Right To Education Act,2009 Section 12.1(c)” section to open RTE Tamilnadu Admission online registration / application form.

Is RTE extended?

RTE Act will be considered for extension upwards to include classes 11 and 12). Under the RTE Act, state governments must reimburse private schools for EWS admissions, either on the basis of the per-child-expenditure incurred in the government school system or the actual fees charged by the schools, whichever is lower.