
How can I get my lost ration card in Maharashtra?

How can I get my lost ration card in Maharashtra?

In order to issue a duplicate ration card, citizens have to download Form 15 available on the download link of the official website. Citizens have to print the application form and fill in all the details correctly and have to submit the supporting documents (as required).

How can I check my ration card online in Maharashtra?

Website : State Food Department Website Ration Card Management System

How can I get smart ration card in Maharashtra?

How to Apply for Smart Ration Card in Maharashtra?

  1. A new page opens where the applicants click on the “Form1: Application for New Ration Card” link.
  2. An application form opens, applicants have to download and take a printout of the application form.
  3. Fill the form with the necessary details correctly.
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How can I renew my ration card in Maharashtra?

Required Documents[edit]

  1. Application form.
  2. Existing Valid ration card.
  3. Address Proof (Water/Electricity/Telephone Bill)
  4. Bank Account Pass Book.
  5. If on rent (Rent Receipt)
  6. Surrender Certificate (In case of transferring from 1 Town/Gram Panchayat to another)

How can I add my name in ration card Mumbai?

Required Documents[edit]

  1. Application form.
  2. Original ration card.
  3. additional members or persons name to be added/removed.
  4. Proof of residence.
  5. Local Certificate / Election Card / PAN / Driving license / Passport.
  6. Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate/X Pass Certificate/declared/other)

How can I change my ration card?

Transfer of Ration Card

  1. Application Form for Transfer of Ration Card Members to Another State”
  2. The form will appear on the computer screen, give print command.
  3. Take a print out of the form and fill in the asked details.
  4. Attach the required documents and submit the application to the nearest office of the department.

What is the income limit for BPL card in Maharashtra?

Maharashtra Ration Card eligibility

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Ration Cards Requirements
Yellow Ration Cards Families falling under Below Poverty Line (BPL)
Saffron Ration Cards Families with income above Rs.15,000 p.a. but less than Rs.1 lakh p.a.
White Ration Cards Families with income of Rs.1 lakh p.a. and above